What is VTT?
VTT is a visionary research and innovation partner for companies and society
VTT is one of Europe’s leading research institutions. We are owned by the Finnish state. We advance the utilisation and commercialisation of research and technology in commerce and society. Through scientific and technological means, we turn large global challenges into sustainable growth for businesses and society. We bring together people, business, science and technology to solve the biggest challenges of our time. This is how we create sustainable growth, jobs and wellbeing and bring exponential hope.
Key figures*
Operating income (€)
Patent families
Net turnover from abroad
Scientific articles
*) The figures cover VTT Ltd and represent VTT's operations
See more key figures on VTT's administration page or in our Annual reports.
Today is just an ordinary day – or is it?
We think not. In the face of perhaps the greatest challenges humanity has ever faced, we stay optimistic. Because we also see the possibilities opened up by science and technology.
It’s time to buckle down and turn great challenges into opportunities.
Are you with us?
VTT's business areas
VTT’s research, development and innovation activities are divided into three business areas in which we develop solutions for companies and society.
Further information:
Our societal role
By its public mandate, VTT has a strong societal role. We engage in active cooperation between stakeholders (companies, universities and colleges, research institutes, research funding agencies, ministries, municipal and regional administration) in order to foster regular information flows and a common vision of Finland’s priority areas. We work in close collaboration with industry and highlights the renewal of industrial value chains and sustainable competitiveness in Finland and Europe.
Furthermore, we support public decision making by providing scientific studies and calculations for authorities. We also facilitate public sector to understand the innovation needs of different industrial sectors. Our research and innovation actions bring value broadly to Finnish society and industry.
Corporate governance
VTT is a limited liability company that is fully owned by the Finnish state and operates under the ownership steering of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
The annual general meeting is the highest decision making body of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
VTT Board oversees the implementation of the company’s strategy and is responsible for the profitability of operations.
Executive leadership team supports the CEO in decision-making.
VTT’s core mission is to develop sustainable solutions for our customers and for society. We seek sustainable solutions to major social challenges with our customers and partners. We take the principles of sustainable development into account in all our research and service activities, reporting and internal operations.

The values and ethical norms that guide our work:
Respect | Together | Passion | Forerunner
Ethical norms
Impartiality | Credibility | Integrity | Responsibility
Our strategy is to help companies and society in solving global challenges by utilising science and technology. Our research is guided by global challenges: together with our customers and partners we develop solution for those. When our customers undertake new and sustainable business activities that contribute to a brighter future, we have succeeded.

VTT’s impact
Working with VTT impacts our customers’ ability to create and scale up new, radical innovations and grow their business and international networks. In addition to impacting our customers, our efforts have a wider impact on society. Our research and development targets to build a more sustainable world.

History of VTT
VTT was founded in wartime Finland in 1942. Our 80-year journey from the 1940s to the present day shows that science, technology and cooperation can turn even major societal challenges into opportunities for growth.