Helix Superconductors

VTT LaunchPad spin-off incubator team

We make quantum-limited parametric amplifiers, a superconducting technology that addresses one of the biggest challenges in quantum computing: high-fidelity qubit readout.

Our technology has a high maturity level (Technological Readiness Level 9, Minimum Viable Product exists). It is also a front-runner in the field, with demonstrated demand and commercial traction. We are on a mission to enable quantum computing and help it create broad societal impact. Our goal is to provide top-tier plug & play qubit readout solutions to customers.

Please contact us if you want to learn more about the problem we are solving, our product, and our business model!

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VTT LaunchPad

The science-based incubator VTT LaunchPad delivers VTT’s strategy to renew industries and society by spinning off companies built on VTT’s technologies. In the incubator, we bring VTT researchers and IPR together with the best business minds and investors out there.

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