Bio-based chemicals

Most available plastics and chemicals are fossil-based. Bio-based chemicals help us reduce the use of non-renewable materials. VTT’s experts and existing IPR support you in taking a leap forward in your use of bio-based chemicals.
Key facts
Replace fossil-based resources with renewable, bio-based chemicals with lower investment costs.
Find the right bio-based chemical faster thanks to VTT’s expertise and existing IPR.
Improve sustainability and efficiency with better use of raw materials and side streams.

Why the need for bio-based chemicals?
Fossil-based chemicals are still widely used in packaging and products. As societies seek to reduce and phase out the use of these chemicals, we need alternatives that are produced using renewable natural resources.
Fortunately, we have several new and innovative ways to produce bio-based chemicals – chemicals sourced from renewable materials such as wood or sugar. We can now use a wide range of new biomolecules as alternative building blocks in chemical synthesis.

Manufacturers can use the bio-based chemicals to increase their sustainability and business performance as well as to prepare for tightening regulation.
Making better use of raw materials and side streams
Chemistry and biotechnology enable us to replace fossil-based resources with alternative, renewable resources. Often the suitable resource is excess raw material or a side stream of an industrial or agricultural process, for example orange peels.
Turning side streams into valuable chemicals reduces waste and builds a path towards a circular economy. We can help you determine the potential value of your side streams and find a partner that could eventually use the side stream as raw material for bio-based chemicals or vice versa.
Accelerate the development of bio-based chemicals
Over the years, VTT has developed proprietary technology and processes that act as a platform for fast development of bio-based chemicals. We can significantly lower your investment barrier, as much of the development work is ready. You don’t need to start developing your own bio-based chemicals from scratch.
VTT’s advanced biomonomers act as the building blocks for high-performance polymers. These polymers are perfect for increasing your competitiveness and capitalising on new business opportunities.
We can customise the platform chemicals based on your needs and apply next generation bio-based chemical materials without risking performance or reliability.
Cover all possible paths with expertise in a wide range of materials and technologies
No technology or raw material can cover the need of fossil-based chemicals alone. A wide combination of different raw material streams and technologies are needed. VTT has several technological solutions to produce bio-based chemicals from a wide range of raw materials and side streams.
Our unique expertise covers the whole innovation chain from the idea to the final product. The in-house culture collection, robotic platforms, synthetic biology tools and excellence in bioprocess development enable the fast engineering of microbes and scaling up the production of biochemicals.
We also apply efficient process chemistry technologies to generate added-value products from biomasses and wastes. For example, we have expertise in producing valuable specialty chemicals such as fatty acids and other extractives for cosmetic, food and medicinal applications.

Bio-based chemicals case studies
VTT collaborated with the French biotech company Deinove on the Deinol pilot. The resulting Deinococcus bacterial fermentation enabled 2nd generation bioethanol production with impressive results:
- 60× improvement in biomass-based ethanol production
- A big step forward towards commercialising the DEINOL process
- Exceptional performance with 2G ethanol trial yields of 7.3%
Cargill/NatureWorks LLC
VTT collaborated with Cargill/NatureWorks LLC to develop new, efficient ways to utilise microbes in converting plant matter into lactic acid and ultimately bioplastic polylactic acid. These re-engineered yeasts are poised to revolutionise environmentally friendly bioplastics manufacturing.
- Reduced production costs for plant-based bioplastics manufacturing
- From biomass to bioplastic through a proven and efficient process
Up to ~92 g/L of lactic acid an improved host suited for industrial production
How to work with us
Together, we define the need, vision and goals of the project. -
We present and evaluate potential solutions to the problem. -
Conceptual Study
We compare and experiment different technologies in small scale and give you a rough financial study. -
We finalise flowsheets, mass balances, financial studies and environmental investigations. -
We provide you with the final report and consult on how to proceed.