Strategic foresight

VTT supports companies in creating a competitive advantage in an increasingly uncertain operating environment known for rapid change and massive flow of information. VTT’s strategic foresight services help businesses to anticipate future trends and successfully lead towards a better future.
Key facts about strategic foresight
Understanding changes in the operating environment and identifying future growth opportunities, technologies and customer needs
Identifying strategic options through scenarios, visions and roadmaps
Creating future solutions by combining foresight data with VTT’s extensive excellence in industry and technology, for example with the help of business design

Success requires a clear vision of the future. VTT’s strategic foresight services help companies achieve sustainable business growth and renewal for the future. We identify new upcoming business opportunities and prepare for risks.
Foresight is a basis for creating future-proof strategies, products and services. Studies have shown that companies investing in strategic foresight find decision-making environment less complex and are able to review their own organisation as part of broader development. Companies engaging in future-proofing and systematic foresight perform better financially.
From examining the environment to co-creating new solutions
VTT’s strategic foresight process consists of five parts. We frame the starting point, examine the operating environment, identify alternative futures, identify strategic targets and create solutions. Our approach is comprehensive and practical.
VTT has unique concepts for the different work stages of the process:
- Future Radar: identifies growth opportunities in a complex world. The Future Radar process uses a wide range of data sources to create a visual radar view of future opportunities, such as emerging technologies and business models. Future Radar can be utilised to support strategic planning and product and service development.
- Future Customer: creates insights of future customers and consumer behavior to support decision-making, and helps turning these insights into business decisions and growth. Future Customer research combines the methods from different disciplines, producing a strategic vision for the development of customer-oriented business.
- Futures Design combines business and service design methods with foresight work. Futures Design helps develop new products, services and, for example, business models based on identified future opportunities.
Business benefit is generated at all stages of the process. We identify future opportunities and threats, find priorities for RDI, provide structure to strategic options, create an inspiring future objective and engage both customers and other stakeholders. Our activities also strengthen the future capabilities of organisations and personnel.
Extensive experience and expert network at your service
VTT ‘s experience in strategic foresight ranges from supporting businesses and innovation ecosystems of several actors, to the public sector and international research projects. In addition to applied foresight and foresight aiming for business benefits, we have mastered the scientific basis of strategic foresight and published related research in international scientific journals. In addition to our excellence in foresight, projects can benefit from our leading expertise in fields such as technology and industry with VTT’s 1,600 or so experts.

Organising corporate foresight: A Guide to future-ready business strategy

Dive into the essentials of corporate foresight, guiding you through each step to build a resilient and future-focused organization.

Quantum Computing: Practical guide to navigating the future

Are you prepared to step into the quantum era? Discover how quantum computing will reshape industries, redefine competitive landscapes, and unlock unparalleled opportunities. Learn how to make your business ready to harness the power of quantum computing.

How we've helped our customers
Do you want to know how services for strategic foresight can help your company? Find out more in our customer stories below.
Contact us here!
Download our report on megatrends
A 22-page report on the essential megatrends impacting businesses in the upcoming decade to help you as a decision-maker to crystallise your direction. Written by our leading experts in business intelligence and strategic foresight.
What kind of future do we want?
According to experts, we are living critical times. Our living environment is close to reaching potential tipping points after which there is no return to the way things were before. VTT's foresight researchers gathered a group of Finnish experts to envision the future: what kind of world do we want 80 years from now and what should we do already today?