High-accuracy measurement services

We develop high-accuracy measurement technologies for industrial quality control, environment monitoring and other demanding industry applications. Our innovations improve competitiveness and contribute to public safety.
Key facts
We provide R&D services for designing measuring devices, constructing prototypes, instrument testing and validation.
We develop tailored high-end solutions for various industries and applications including manufacturing, energy, and environment.
We have world-class laboratories for measurement system development, testing, and quality control.

At VTT, our deep research expertise allows us to develop entirely new measurement solutions and devices, making formerly impossible measurements not only possible, but reliable, accurate, and traceable.
Our solutions help our customers achieve improved quality of manufacturing processes, higher yield, less waste and, better cost-effectiveness. VTT MIKES is the National Metrology Institute in Finland, and an internationally highly regarded high-accuracy metrology provider with state-of-the-art knowledge in industrial and scientific metrology.
We offer a broad range of precision metrology research services – read more about our offering below and contact us to discuss how we can help you!

Active hyperspectral sensing
VTT offers unique expertise in active hyperspectral sensing, a method that allows for hyperspectral sensing independent of lighting conditions. With the addition of the external broadband laser source, reflectance measurements can be performed at night, indoors, or in cloudy conditions. This also allows for remote material identification at large distance. We have demonstrated measurements up to one kilometre.
The active hyperspectral sensing technology is particularly suitable for applications where contact measurements are not possible and real-time data collection is required, such as mineral characterisation in the mining industry, material identification for circular economy applications (e.g. waste sorting), or safety and security applications. Related know-how include supercontinuum laser sources, MEMS-based spectrometers, interpretation of reflectance spectra, and multivariate data analysis.
Isotope spectroscopy
VTT provides expertise in trace gas sensing with the development of advanced laser spectroscopy techniques, based for instance on cavity-enhanced spectroscopy methods. This expertise is applied particularly to the field of isotope detection of light molecules such CO2, methane or N2O. The use of optical techniques makes it possible to develop compact instrumentation, which can be used for on-line in situ measurements. Applications have been developed for different fields including emissions monitoring, monitoring of bio processes, and even breath analysis for disease detection.
VTT has also developed expertise in the detection of radioactive molecules such as radiocarbon and tritium, which can’t be detected on-line with conventional methods. We also work to extend the limit of the detection of the instrumentation, so that in the future, this method can also be used to differentiate between carbon of biogenic or fossil origin.
VTT partnered with Fortum to develop a new monitoring method for nuclear power plants
VTT developed a new method for the on-site monitoring of stack emissions for the presence of carbon-14, at nuclear power plants. With this method, there is no need to collect samples and send to laboratories – the molecules are detected directly in gas form. This reduces the measurement time from several days to less than an hour.

Optical instrumentation for advanced manufacturing and quality control
VTT has over 30 years of experience in advanced optical scientific and industrial dimensional precision metrology. We work with our customers to design and develop tailored solutions including:
- Measurements and tools for quality control of diffractive optical elements and waveguides
- Interferometers, diffractometers, and scatterometers for various dimensional metrology needs or industrial production
- Phase stepping interferometry for gauge block measurements e.g. upgrade of NPL-TESA gauge block interferometer
We have worked on solutions and applications for various industries, including metrology, photonics, and consumer devices.
High-voltage and electrical power metrology
We work on high voltage and electrical power metrology solutions and applications for various industries, including high-voltage testing, power transmission and test equipment manufacturers. VTT MIKES research infrastructure provides a unique RDI environment including high-voltage and high current laboratories.
- Design of custom instrumentation for high voltage and high current measurements
- Solutions available for measurements of DC, AC, and transient voltages down to nanosecond scale
- High voltage and current measurements up to 1000 kV and 8 kA
We offer the following measurement instruments
DualDac3 Audio Frequency Ultra-stable Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Applications include:
- digital impedance bridges
- reference source for electrical power meter and power quality analyzer calibrations
- calibration of thermal converters and analog-to-digital converters
VTT Tarmo – a high-accuracy digitizer and a reference instrument
- calibrations of IEC 61850 compliant measurement devices
- reference digitizer for various AC measurement applications

Dynamic pressure solutions
VTT MIKES has developed technologies for calibrating pressure sensors at dynamic conditions to improve accuracy of measurements. Traditionally dynamic pressure sensors are only calibrated at static conditions, which may lead to errors up to 10 %. With our solution, a calibration uncertainty level of 2 % level is achieved.
- easy-to-use pressure calibrator for day-to-day use in industry
- primary standard for National Metrology Institutes (NMI) and high-end calibration laboratories where the best achievable accuracy is required
Improving accuracy of dynamic pressure measurements reduces fuel consumption and emissions in heavy duty vehicles, marine and engine power plants. Also, improvements in process control and safety are achieved in manufacturing, explosives and mechanical testing.
Current time services and next generation time
VTT MIKES provides secure, reliable and accurate time synchronization via dedicated optical fibers using many different precision time protocol (PTP) profiles. With calibrated optical fiber-links, our time-scale can be distributed with low uncertainty (<100 ns) over large distances. We design PTP solutions to fit the unique needs of our most demanding customers, verify accuracy, and provide monitoring services. For other users we also provide NTP time-service over the public internet or private dedicated connections.
We are a global front-runner in atomic clocks. We are developing a primary frequency standard based on a trapped and laser-cooled single Strontium ion. This next generation of optical clocks is expected to outperform current microwave clocks by a factor of 100 or more in terms of uncertainty and drift.

We add value to measurements – and drive new business
We work with companies from different industries to drive innovation, enhance the efficiency of industrial processes, and create entirely new business opportunities. Our partners and customers benefit from VTT’s cross-disciplinary know-how, first-class research infrastructures, and experience from working with 400 organisations.
We create new ways to demonstrate reliability and traceability of measurements to ensure your company’s
- business-critical processes
- globally accepted quality
- growth through innovations
In addition to our metrology research expertise, we have a business mindset and a strong focus on developing commercially viable solutions that solve real-world problems. We work with our partners from identifying the problem to developing and implementing a tailored solution – and capturing the business benefits.
Video: VTT MIKES - world-class infrastructure for measurement related R&D and metrology

How to work with us
Get in touch today!
If you’re looking for a measurement solution that does not yet exist, get in touch with us. We are eager to hear about your needs and start looking for a solution together. -
Explore beyond the obvious solutions
We are always up for a challenge and work with customers from different industries to explore tailored measuring solutions that go beyond the obvious. -
Together from idea to instrument
We have the experts and the infrastructure to be your partner all the way from an early concept to a fully developed solution.