It is easy to forget the immense impact measurement accuracy can have in various industries. In the fields of microelectronics, nanotechnology, photonics and optics, precise measurements of small structures are critical, both in the product development phase and in ensuring production quality. Microscopic errors can delay product development, lead to defective production batches and, at worst, incur substantial costs. This is why the metrological traceability and reliability of measurements are invaluable.
Thanks to VTT MIKES’s accurate calibration and measurement services, customers can be confident that each measurement result is traceable to the SI unit system and thus comparable with both past and future measurements.
VTT MIKES’ senior scientist Virpi Korpelainen emphasises the importance of measurements in product development: “In product development, it is crucial that each measurement is precise and repeatable. A reliable process cannot be built on inaccuracies.”
Traceability is the backbone of reliable measurements
Reliable measurement results are the backbone of product development – the measurements must be trustworthy. Imagine a startup developing a next-generation smartphone. Even tiny measurement errors may result in failures in the integration of components, potentially slowing down the entire production process.
The high resolution of measurements is not enough; accuracy and precision are essential. As Finland’s national metrology institute, VTT MIKES is responsible for SI units nationwide. Its calibration and measurement services are internationally recognised for their ultra-high accuracy, ranging from sub-nanometre distances up to 30 metres.
“For all measurements, we also report the measurement uncertainties, so customers know the exact reliability limits for each measurement,” says Korpelainen.
- Traceability: Measurement traceability means that each result is part of an unbroken calibration chain, leading to the internationally recognised SI unit definition. A traceable measurement result always contains an estimate of the measurement uncertainty. An unbroken traceability chain is important as it ensures the measurement result is comparable to similar measurements worldwide. All measurements conducted at VTT MIKES are traceable to SI units.
- Comparability and repeatability: Imagine a situation where a company’s units and partners around the world measure the same product at different times and under differing conditions. If the measurement results are not comparable, product development could suffer significantly. Measurements conducted by VTT MIKES are always repeatable and comparable. Thus, the customer can focus on resolving, for instance, functional issues of the product without the fear of potential measurement errors disrupting the process.
Reliable measurements save time and money
As product development progresses from the prototype phase towards the final product, the importance of measurement reliability increases. Inaccurate measurements may result in significant costs if product batches must be rejected and remanufactured. On the other hand, the early phase of product development may be prolonged if there are errors in the measurement results, leading to products that do not correspond to the design or simulated models.
“Reliable measurements improve the product quality, which leads to high customer satisfaction over time,” Korpelainen reminds.
Wide range measurement services from micro to nanoscale
VTT MIKES can measure even the smallest structures made possible by modern technology – from individual nanoparticles to entire grating structures. Customers in various industries and research fields utilise nanometre-scale and, in some cases, even picometre-scale measurements. These measurements can ensure, for instance, that semiconductors and other small components function as designed.
VTT MIKES has two traceably calibrated atomic force microscopes (AFM), which can traceably measure nanometre and micrometre scale distances over a 200 mm silicon wafer. The atomic force microscope can also measure the electrical, magnetic and mechanical properties of a sample, further expanding the benefits of these measurements.
In addition, VTT MIKES offers precise grating measurements, measuring various parameters from grating structures, such as pitch and angles between the gratings. These measurements are used, for instance, in photonics and optics.
“Besides measuring customers’ products with our equipment, we also offer support and methods for production quality control and calibration of the client’s own instruments,” says Korpelainen.
In advanced technologies, measurements are the lifeblood of product development
Reliable measurements are crucial in applications where measurement accuracy can distinguish a functional product from a non-functional one. “There are certain fields of advanced technology where measurement accuracy is not only desirable – it is a vital necessity,” says Korpelainen.
These fields include, for example:
Reliable nanometre-scale measurements are essential for the quality assurance of products containing microelectronics, such as phones, computers, sensors and semiconductors.
Accurate measurements are also vital for companies and organisations utilising nanotechnology, such as those in medicine, electronics and energy technology.
Photonics and optics
Developing state-of-the-art photonics and optical products such as augmented reality (AR) glasses and microscopes requires state-of-the-art measurement accuracy. Measurements of grating structures are very important for players in photonics and optics because even a small error can affect how the light is directed and thus reduce the quality of the product.
Accurate measurements deliver long-term benefits
VTT MIKES continuously develops new measurement methods and services to meet evolving technology demands. These services can be tailored to meet clients’ specific needs, whether small or large. VTT MIKES also helps improve the reliability and accuracy of a client's own measurement devices by mapping and characterising error sources, conducting measurements of reference pieces or assisting with the planning and execution of device calibration.
Accurate and reliable measurements save time, money and resources and bring confidence to the entire process, whether it is academic research, early-stage product development or large-scale production.
“Our clients can trust that they measure exactly what they need. Accurate measurements not only ensure product quality today – they lay the foundation for future innovations,” summarises Korpelainen.
If you would like to learn more about how our measurement services can support your company or research project, feel free to contact Virpi Korpelainen.