Hydrogen technologies and fuel cells research


Hydrogen technologies and their research play an increasingly important role in mitigating climate change. From manufacturing to transport and beyond, advances in hydrogen technologies and new regulation create opportunities for companies to transition toward clean energy and industry. VTT partners with companies from all stages of the hydrogen value chain to develop new H2-based solutions and offer consultation, testing, and validation services.

Key facts on VTT’s hydrogen technology and fuel cells offering

We help industries to reduce emissions and save resources by assessing, modelling and simulating new concepts, processes and technologies.

We provide analysis and cost-efficient solutions for decarbonization through electrification or carbon neutral energy carriers, improving processes to emit less CO2 or utilizing CO2 for new products.

We solve technical challenges in relation to hydrogen production, storage and utilization and balancing challenges in electricity and energy system.

Pasi Kokko
Pasi Kokko
Solution Sales Lead, Energy