Hydrogen technologies and fuel cells research

Hydrogen technologies and their research play an increasingly important role in mitigating climate change. From manufacturing to transport and beyond, advances in hydrogen technologies and new regulation create opportunities for companies to transition toward clean energy and industry. VTT partners with companies from all stages of the hydrogen value chain to develop new H2-based solutions and offer consultation, testing, and validation services.
Key facts on VTT’s hydrogen technology and fuel cells offering
We help industries to reduce emissions and save resources by assessing, modelling and simulating new concepts, processes and technologies.
We provide analysis and cost-efficient solutions for decarbonization through electrification or carbon neutral energy carriers, improving processes to emit less CO2 or utilizing CO2 for new products.
We solve technical challenges in relation to hydrogen production, storage and utilization and balancing challenges in electricity and energy system.

Fast developing hydrogen technology applications are increasingly important in moving away from fossil fuels. VTT has world-class knowhow and constantly develops research facilities to serve equipment manufacturers as well as system integrators and end-users of clean hydrogen technologies. We also have cutting-edge expertise in Power-to-X (P2X) and electrification of industries and Carbon capture, utilisation and storage.
Hydrogen technologies play an important role in mitigating climate change.
Key questions where VTT can help the process industry:
- How could we reduce CO2 emissions in our production to meet the regulation and customer expectations?
- How to get clean energy for our processes to reduce CO2 emissions?
- How to optimise our processes to reduce CO2 emissions?
Key questions where VTT can help the energy industry:
- How does the clean energy market evolve in the future? What does it mean for our business?
- How to provide clean energy and hydrogen for the needs of our customers?
Key questions where VTT can help the heavy transportation industry:
- How does the H2, ammonia and carbon neutral fuel distribution and availability look like in the future?
- What does this mean for us in the transition towards novel, carbon neutral fuel types? What kind of decisions and investments are needed?
- What kind of equipment are needed in our / our customers vehicles (e.g. fuel cells)?
- How should H2 safety be taken into consideration in transportation?
VTT’s hydrogen services cover:
- Clean energy and hydrogen concept development
- Techno-economic calculations and assessments
- Equipment research and development (electrolysers, fuel cells)
- H2 and ammonia transportation concept development for ships, heavy road transportation and aviation
- Testing, demonstration and validation
- Concept and process scale-up and piloting, and roadmapping
- Hydrogen safety assessments

National Hydrogen Roadmap towards a carbon neutral Finland
VTT prepared a roadmap to analyse Finland's strengths and opportunities in the global hydrogen economy market and support its ambitious targets to become carbon neutral by 2035 and carbon negative by 2050.
Fuel cell technologies for different industry needs
At VTT, we have expertise in a range of fuel cell technologies. We advise our clients in choosing the most suitable technology and tailor our solutions for the specific needs and requirements of each individual case.
- Proton-exchange membrane fuel cells and electrolysers (PEMFC and PEME)
Our focus in PEMFC research is both the development on fuel cell system integration and hydrogen quality topics. We have developed PEMFC systems and stacks as well as components for them in co-operation with industrial partners and other research institutes. We also work as a consultant for companies purchasing fuel cell systems or electrolysers and can help in validation of these systems. Our focus in PEM electrolysis is on system level. We are developing PEM electrolysis technology that is optimized for sector coupling. - High temperature solid oxide fuel cells and electrolysis (SOFC and SOEC)
Our laboratories offer testing and characterisation possibilities for SOFC/SOEC cells, stacks and complete systems. Adaptable, in-house built testing infrastructure allows for tailoring all measurements according to customer needs and ensures successful long-term durability and performance characterisations. A wide range of operation conditions can be realised, such as varying fuel feeds with hydrogen, reformed natural gas or simulated biogas, different impurities in both fuel and oxidant streams or load and thermal cycles. Simultaneously, professional hydrogen safety measures are second nature to our work. VTT has extensive experience of collaboration with European and international SOFC/SOEC manufacturers.
Read more about hydrogen technologies

Hydrogen Finland – global markets on the horizon
Finland could potentially become a significant exporter of hydrogen-related technology, green hydrogen and hydrogen products, but such a role could only be achieved through having the relevant solutions proof tested in relevant environment first.

Bringing on the hydrogen revolution – turning hype into growing business
The time to act is now. At VTT, we help companies explore the possibilities of hydrogen technology in their operations.
Video: Fuel cells and hydrogen

Video: How to build flexible, carbon-free and cost-effective smart energy system?

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VTT ProperScan helps tackle future material challenges
Understanding materials performance and behavior in completely new process environment is crucial for succeeding in major process transformations. VTT ProperScan provides you with science-based answers to future material challenges. We help you to maximise overall equipment efficiency (OEE) and performance and enable you to utilize the full value of the investment even in the most challenging applications.