VTT and the City of Nokia to study the use of bio-based carbon dioxide as a raw material in the ECO3 business park in Finland

News, Press release

Finding new commercial uses for carbon dioxide has become an important area of research around the world. VTT and the City of Nokia have started a project to study the financial viability of various carbon dioxide recycling solutions in Nokia's ECO3 bioeconomy and circular economy business park in Finland.

The solutions to be explored focus on the use of bio-based carbon dioxide in the production of liquid and gaseous fuels and as a raw material for chemicals in the vicinity of the ECO3 business park.

"Carbon dioxide capture is one of the most important means of mitigating climate change. Investing in more efficient climate action is in line with the strategy of the City of Nokia, which aims to promote sustainable solutions and ecological technologies. Capturing carbon dioxide and turning it into products are part of our ECO3 concept", explains Sakari Ermala, General Manager of Verte Ltd, the City of Nokia's development subsidiary.

The goal is to set-up a framework for potential investors as well as for future technology demonstrations. The City of Nokia's development subsidiary Verte Ltd is currently pooling interested partners to participate in the project development. The study is expected to be finalised in the spring of 2019.
"There are already examples of new business based on the use of carbon dioxide to produce  fuels, construction materials, plastics and chemicals elsewhere in the world. Interest in new ways to utilise carbon dioxide has grown considerably both in Finland and globally. Nokia's ECO3 business park has potential in terms of both the capturing and utilisation of carbon dioxide", says VTT's project manager Senior Scientist Janne Kärki.

ECO3 business park

ECO3 is a new kind of industrial-scale, multi-sector bio-economy and circular economy competence centre in the Kolmenkulma Eco-Industrial Park in Nokia. ECO3 is both a nationally important competence centre and a demonstration and piloting environment, which the City of Nokia and its development subsidiary Verte Ltd are developing in collaboration with local businesses and universities. www.eco3.fi

City of Nokia

Nokia is a growing city with a population of over 33,000 near Tampere, one of Finland's most vibrant cities. The city's natural beauty, good amenities and central location make it a great place to live. There are more than 1,700 businesses in Nokia, and the city has a diverse economic structure as well as a strong industrial heritage. www.nokiankaupunki.fi

Janne Kärki
Janne Kärki
Research Team Leader