Biomass processing and products

The utilization of biomass is an important ingredient in the transition to circular economy. From lab to pilot, from nano to macro, VTT has the infrastructure to provide a fast track to commercializing biomass-based products and services.
As plant-based materials are all around us both in nature and as by-products of industrial processes, their utilization is an important steppingstone towards circular economy. Understanding how plants work is the basis for utilizing plant-based materials as, for example, a source of biofuel. Replacing fossil fuels with bio-based alternatives holds great potential in tackling climate change.
Unique and multidisciplinary approach to understanding plants.
VTT has an impressive portfolio of products and processes created through our unique and multidisciplinary understanding of plants. We have researched and developed multiple ways of processing biomass into valuable intermediates, like fibrous and fibrillar particles, nanocellulose, dissolving pulps and lignin fractions.
Cooperation with VTT is beneficial for all industries using biomass as an integral part of their products. Especially our work in cellulose has led to multiple interesting applications, like new packaging materials and textiles. Cellulose nanofibrils, for example, can be applied for various products and end-uses – reinforcing paper and board, films, membranes, biocomposites and paints all benefit from cellulose nanofibrils as industrial processing aid.