Granarium Technologies

VTT LaunchPad spin-off incubator team

Granarium will transform the way electricity is stored. We use nanocellulose to build 100% renewable electricity storage.

New sustainable solutions for electricity storage are needed quickly to cover the increasing demand and transition to renewable electricity sources.

We use nanocellulose to build 100% renewable electricity storage. Our mission is sustainable and safe solutions where instant high peak power is needed. 

Our solution is an electricity storage built from 100% renewable materials, which has the best properties of a supercapacitor combined with the nanocellulose. The use of high consistent nanocellulose as a building block for electrical storage is a unique innovation. It can bind active materials, such as nanostructured activated carbon to store energy. These power sources are also two- or three-dimensional, that makes them easy to integrate into different types of products or even act as a structural element of the product. 

Our solution is an electricity storage built from 100% renewable materials, which has the best properties of a supercapacitor combined with the nanocellulose.

In other words, we approach the storing of electricity and the manufacturing from a completely new angle. Our solution is safe, scalable and inexpensive to manufacture. The technology has been preliminarily proven to work. The availability of raw materials is sustainable basis and our solution has extensive IPR protection.  

Goal of the Research to Business (R2B) -project is to create a functional larger scale demonstrator during the project, which is a kW-scale UPS device. At the same time, we optimize material and production methods and ensure spinoff readiness. 

First commercial applications are targeted to stabilize voltage fluctuations and provide backup power during supply fails of windmills, solar power plants and other industry fields. 

Paula Viinamäki presents the Granarium Technologies Team

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VTT LaunchPad

The science-based incubator VTT LaunchPad delivers VTT’s strategy to renew industries and society by spinning off companies built on VTT’s technologies. In the incubator, we bring VTT researchers and IPR together with the best business minds and investors out there.

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