VTT LaunchPad spin-off incubator team

HYGRON’s environmentally friendly membrane technology powers next generation hydrogen fuel cells, zero energy buildings, and industrial carbon capture systems.

Our world is hungry for energy – we don’t have enough of it, and we need more of it all the time. By 2050, global energy consumption is estimated to increase by 50% as compared to today, burdening us with an equivalent increase in greenhouse gas emissions if we carry on business as usual.

To enable sustainable transition, we must shift to renewable energy, enhance utilization efficiency, and curb further carbon emissions. We at HYGRON believe that the hydrogen economy, zero energy living spaces, and capturing carbon dioxide from industrial operations are key strategies to achieve this transition. Interestingly, all the abovementioned applications rely on specialty membranes, which are central to the systems.

HYGRON provides high-performance heat, moisture, and proton exchange membranes, specifically designed for these demanding uses. Our membranes are made from renewable materials, free of toxic chemicals, and manufactured through a sustainable and scalable process. 

If you are looking to push the boundaries of performance and reliability in these sectors, HYGRON membranes are your go-to solution. We invite you to join us on our journey to disrupt the energy space. Get in touch today for investments, partnerships, or collaborations.

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VTT LaunchPad

The science-based incubator VTT LaunchPad delivers VTT’s strategy to renew industries and society by spinning off companies built on VTT’s technologies. In the incubator, we bring VTT researchers and IPR together with the best business minds and investors out there.

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