1st International Cellular Agriculture conference

Hotel Scandic Park Helsinki
Mannerheimintie 46
00260 Helsinki


Harnessing biotechnology for food production – from cellular solutions to precision fermentation

Thank you for a successful event to all participants!
See you in Aarhus, Denmark June 12.-13. 2024!

Please find quick links here below:

Programme EIT FAN Organizers SponsorsVenue Hotels & Travel

This on-site event gathers top experts and actors in the field of cellular agriculture for food production to share the latest research results, news from the industry and to network for new partnerships and ideation. The aim is also to share information to decision-makers and stakeholders especially in EU.  

The 1st International Cellular Agriculture conference covers all fields of cellular agriculture: microbial and algal biomass, cultivated meat and plant cell cultures, precision fermentation to produce proteins, lipids and other food ingredients, and related fields covering sustainability and regulatory aspects too. As often the events in this field are focusing on only one sub-topic of cellular agriculture, in this event we bring all the sub-categories to joint discussion to generate new ideas and partnerships and to facilitate R&D&I. 

In addition, you will have an exceptional site visit opportunity to Solar Foods Factory 01 where food ingredients are produced from CO2. 

Highlights of the programme

Day 1, June 14th, concentrates on business development and policy viewpoints, delivered by industry representatives and decision makers. The morning holds the unique opportunity to visit the new Solar Foods Factory 01 (Sold out) as well as networking with the latest start-ups, actors and stakeholders in the field. 

Day 2, June 15th, gives an overview of research and development in the field of cellular agriculture, with four thematic sessions: precision fermentation, microbial and algal biomass, cultivated meat and plant cells, as well as sustainability and safety aspects. 

Lauri Reuter, Nordic Foodtech VC, will moderate the Fireside chat and Panel discussions on both days.

Keynote speakers include:

  • Tim Geistlinger, Perfect Day, opening keynote of the event with presentation titled "Scaling the Impact of Precision Fermentation for a Resilient Future Food System and Beyond"
  • Jim Mellon, Agronomics, keynote for the Business Creation session in Day 1 with presentation titled "An Investor’s View on the Coming Agricultural Revolution"
  • Ilan Samish, Amai Proteins, keynote of the session “Precision fermentation for production of food ingredients” with presentation titled "Large-scale tasty proteins by microbial precision fermentation: from sweet to sewage aspects"
  • Patrik Lennartsson, University of Borås, keynote of the session "Microbial and algal biomass as a feed and food source" with presentation titled "Microorganisms for nutritious food and feed and valorisation of residues"
  • Mark Post, Mosa Meat, keynote of the session “Cultivated meat and plant cells as future foods” with presentation titled "Where is the cultured meat?"
  • Hanna Tuomisto, University of Helsinki, keynote of the session “Sustainability aspects of the new processes and value chains” with presentation titled "Environmental, social and economic impacts of cellular agriculture"

More details here: Programme

List of Posters

Registration is closed

EIT Food FAN Demo afternoon on June 14th

EIT FAN Helsinki HUB topic in 2023 is Scaling the alternative protein revolution. Including topics such’s precision fermentation, microbial and algae biomass, cultivated meat, plant cell cultures. We will select 10 startups join our program on spring 2023. Food accelerator network is EIT Food program, which has been running since 2018 by supporting (pre) seed funded startups by accelerating their growth.  EIT FAN Demo day is kept on afternoon June 14th as part of this event. There is an opportunity for networking and see top startups of Alternative protein revolution who pitch their solutions for better future. EIT FAN Demo session is free, but pre-registration is needed via the registration platform.


The event is organized by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd together with Nordic partners in the field.

Scientific Committee consists of Nordic research partners active in the field:

  • Claus Heiner Bang-Berthelsen, DTU, Denmark
  • Eva Falch, NTNU, Norway
  • Jette Feveile Young, University of Aarhus, Denmark
  • Ólafur H. Friðjónsson, Matis, Iceland
  • Eva Nordberg Karlsson, University of Lund, Sweden
  • Emilia Nordlund, VTT, Finland
  • Anneli Ritala, VTT, Finland
  • Sissel Rønning, Nofima, Norway 
  • Hanna Tuomisto, University of Helsinki, Finland

The event is co-organized together with EIT Food’s Food Accelerator Network to boost the business creation and value chain development.

Organizing committee by VTT: Emilia Nordlund (Research manager), Anneli Ritala (Principal scientist), Mirva Lampinen (Co-creation manager), Dorothee Barth (Senior scientist), Merja Laamanen (Coordinator) & Jessica Vepsäläinen (Assistant)



Seize the opportunity to get visibility, exhibit your organization’s products and services, and create new partnerships. Demonstrate to stakeholders that your organization is bravely looking for innovative solutions to develop a sustainable food system.

Information on the sponsor packages

Call for Abstracts

Call for abstracts is closed.
Deadline for abstract submission was 10.3.2023. The review results have been communicated in April.

Topics for the abstract submission: 

  • Precision fermentation (proteins, lipids etc.)  
  • Microbial and algae biomass (SCP, mycoprotein, etc.) 
  • Cultivated meat  
  • Plant cell cultures 
  • Sustainability aspects (environmental, economic, social aspects, etc.)  
  • Safety and regulatory issues 


The 1st International Cellular Agriculture conference is held at the Explore meeting rooms on the 2nd floor in the hotel Scandic Park Helsinki. A magnificently renovated hotel close to the Helsinki city centre and with excellent connections by public transport, 1,4 km from the main railway and bus station, 10 min by tram. Link to map.

The conference dinner will be held conveniently in the hotel premises in the evening of 14th June, 2023.

Hotels & Travel

The Conference hotel is Scandic Park Helsinki. The lounge-like hotel lobby, comprehensive meeting and function spaces, and all of the hotel rooms were recently completely refurbished. You can use the newest equipment at the BeAlive Health Club gym, adjacent to the hotel. 

Mannerheimintie 46, 00260 Helsinki, Finland (Link to map)
Tel: +358 300 308 407   
E-mail: parkhelsinki@scandichotels.com

Accommodation allotment information:
Allotment code BVTT130623 

Time: 13.6. - 15.6.2022 
Room type: Standard 
130 € / single room / night 
140 € / double or twin room / night 
Rates always include: breakfast, Wi-Fi connection

Everyone books their own room. Please use the allotment code BVTT130623 when making a booking from http://www.scandichotels.fi/?bookingcode=BVTT130623, by phone +358 9 47371 or email parkhelsinki@scandichotels.com. Cancellation policy: No costs if cancelled until arrival day by 18.00!

The rooms are available until May 30th, 2023 or depending on the hotel’s booking situation. 

Other hotels in Helsinki: 
Crowne Plaza Helsinki - Hesperia 
Original Sokos Hotel Presidentti 
Hotel Arthur 
more hotels at Booking.com  

Letter of invitation  

On request, the Meeting Organiser will provide a personal invitation to participate in the meeting. Such an invitation is only meant to help the invited participants obtaining a visa. It does not represent any commitment on the part of the Organisers to provide any financial support.  


Please check the validity of your own insurance. The Meeting Organisers cannot accept liability for personal injuries sustained or loss of, or damage to, property belonging to delegates or the registered accompanying persons during the Meeting. 

Extend your stay! 

If you have the possibility to extend your stay in Helsinki, take the opportunity to discover this beautiful city. Additionally, the old Hansa town Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, is only a 2 hours boat trip away from the Helsinki harbor, which gives you the opportunity to do as may other Finnish tourists do each year, i.e., visit the city for a day (or more). 

More information on travelling to Finland

Cellular agriculture refers to making of agricultural products and ingredients like proteins and lipids through microbial fermentation and cell cultures rather than through farms and fields. The products of cellular agriculture can be cell-based, i.e., the whole cellular biomass is used as an food ingredient, or the cells can be harnesses to produce compounds, such as proteins that are purified from the cell biomass. Cellular agriculture combines elements of industrial biotechnology, synthetic biology, circular economy as well as food and material sciences. Cellular agriculture is a novel and rapidly developing discipline, as it offers substantial opportunities to overcome the environmental challenges and sustainability issues of our global and regional food systems. Finland is a forerunner in the field, combining a strong research focus, vivid start-up ecosystem and the firm support of traditional companies to move the discipline forward. 

Learn more here: Finland is a world leader in | VTT News (vttresearch.com)

Emilia Nordlund
Emilia Nordlund