Future opportunities are created by combining strong industrial sectors. Printed intelligence will revolutionise domestic industry. When, for example, paper industry products are combined with electronic or biological features, they can open up new markets in the healthcare or security sectors.

The development of printed intelligence began with a bold vision. As expertise and technological capabilities grew, companies grasped the opportunities presented by printed intelligence. PrintoCent was established
The PrintoCent Innovation Centre is accelerating the commercialisation of printed intelligence
- Rapid availability of research findings in printed intelligence for industrial use
- Opportunity for companies to develop and experiment agilely with product prototypes
- Surrounded by the EU’s extensive cooperation network
- Entrepreneurship projects, training, innovation competitions and seminars
- With University of Oulu, Oulu University of Applied Sciences and BusinessOulu
The goal is to create 1,000 jobs by 2020.
Our investment in printed intelligence has given rise to new business, export products and jobs in Finland.
Finland has become a pioneer in the industrialisation of printed intelligence
- The turnover of SMEs using printed intelligence in Finland exceeded EUR50 million in 2014*
- Their combined turnover is many times this when the printed intelligence-based sales of large companies are counted
*Source: Painettu äly – kehityspolku, Tekes, 2017
Expertise developed by long-term research is not easy to copy. Such expertise creates competitiveness, companies and jobs in Finland, and is therefore worth investing in.
Case TactoTek
VTT's spin-off brings printed intelligence to structures
- Electronic functionality is being added to structures, consigning mechanical knobs, gauges and monitors to history
- The result is more durable, lighter and thinner products
- Applications include automotive, home appliances, IoT equipment and wearable electronics applications
- 70 employees
- Frost & Sullivan's Best Practices 2017 award for e.g. the impact created by innovations