Finland needs its own secure data – VTT launched ecosystem preparations


Reliable sharing of data is a key part of the competitiveness of company networks and is of growing importance to society as a whole. The data strategy of the EU aims to improve the secure digital networking of European companies. The PREGAIA project launched by VTT is a starting point for Finland to be closely involved in the construction of this infrastructure.

More and more services and value chains are based on data, and there is international competition for data management. Europe is now striving to create a single digital market area with various data reliably available for use by company networks. A common system for data management would help the EU to maintain its independence with regard to data. An independent data infrastructure is important in crisis situations, for example, for obtaining real-time information on security of supply. Under normal circumstances, the same technology is needed for the secure sharing of data between authorities, companies, citizens and nations.

The new German-French GAIA-X initiative aims to create the first European data space and platform through which companies, industry and public bodies can produce good quality data for the network. New types of applications and services can be created on top of the data. Two of Europe’s largest countries have joined forces in the initiative and are advancing the issue under the protection of their ministries. The project is open to other interested countries as well.

Finland’s national interests at the heart of solutions

It is important for Finland to be involved in the construction of the EU’s new data infrastructure in a coordinated way. The PREGAIA project brings Finnish data economy operators together and launches a discussion on how we can get on this development path. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and Business Finland play a significant role in preparing the matter.

“Finland must understand the importance of the EU’s data strategy and be among the first to be involved in creating concrete content and use cases for it”, says the PREGAIA project steering group’s Chair Petri Räsänen from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

“It is essential to bring together company networks, coordinate cooperation and promote the development of exportable solutions. Integrating domestic activities into common European development increases market potential”, says Manu Setälä, Director, Digi Programs from Business Finland.

Service providers with reliable methods for sharing data are wanted in the value network. At a later stage, several industry projects can also be launched on this basis.

“Finnish industry and service providers should be integrated into the common data economy. Interest in this field is clearly on the rise, and there are companies in Finland that have identified this market and developed new solutions for it”, says the PREGAIA project leader responsible Tuomo Tuikka from VTT. 

GAIA-X defines the standards – PREGAIA involves Finland in development

The outcome of the GAIA-X initiative will be a common platform that defines the prerequisites and standards for Europe’s own secure data. Compliance with these standards will initially be a competitive advantage, then a guarantee of safety and finally a necessity. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the competencies, products and business of Finnish operators comply with GAIA-X specifications.

The aim of the PREGAIA project, together with industry, is to involve Finland in this development. The project examines how Finland should proceed and what kind of technology and services need to be developed while also determining how the next steps will be formed into co-innovation projects between groups of companies and Business Finland.


Read also Tuomo Tuikka’s blog post on the GAIA-X initiative

Tuomo Tuikka
Tuomo Tuikka
JuhaPekka Soininen
Juha-Pekka Soininen
Principal Scientist