INVITATION: Circular Design Challenge Competition teams pitch their ideas


Welcome to the Circular Innovation Fair pitching and networking event for co-developed innovative circular design concepts and ideas by Aalto University, Geological Survey of Finland GTK, Natural Resources Institute Luke, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE and VTT.

Time: 26th November 2020 at 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm EET
Venue: Live streaming from Vaunusali, Korjaamo Culture Factory, Töölönkatu 51 B, Helsinki, Finland

The cross-organizational teams in the Circular Design Challenge Competition pitch their new ideas, concepts and proposals to companies and other stakeholders. You can find out more information about the teams from here. The event will be organized as a side event of the Sitra's World Circular Economy Forum 2020.


13.00−13.30 Opening and inspiration! 

  • Opening by John Kettle, event moderator and Director of Customer Relations at Natural Resources Institute Finland, and Co-Creation Manager, Circular Design Challenge Competition lead Inka Orko, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 
  • Circular Design show cases: Woodio Ltd, Petro Lahtinen, founder & CEO and Kamupak Ltd, Iida Miettinen, founder & CEO 

13.30−14.30 Value from side streams! 

  • Hopsista - Novel hops derived products from farming and brewing industry side streams (Luke, VTT) 
  • DOOMED - Design out mine waste and CO2 emissions for durable products (GTK and VTT) 
  • High Purity Metal Extraction Using Plasma and Magnetic Spectrometry (Aalto University, GTK, VTT and SYKE) 
  • Sustainable Growing Medium for Global Greenhouse Production (GTK, Luke, VTT and SYKE) 
  • Closing the Loop in Wood Construction (Aalto University and VTT in collaboration with HAMK, JYU, Mayt Oy, Carbonex Oy and HSY) 

14.30−14.45 Break! Live camera stopping at the side tables 

14.45−15.10 Circular by digital!

  • Circular Indicators Toolbox - a digital toolbox for extended life cycle designs (VTT, Aalto University and SYKE)
  • Virtual Zero Waste Agrofood System (VTT, Luke and SYKE)
  • Clothing Circulator - a data driven service platform for consumers (Aalto University and VTT)

15.10−16.15 User driven circular design!

  • Stack2Recycle - a packaging concept designed from polymer to customer to recyclable material for minimized CO2 emissions (Aalto University, SYKE and VTT)
  • Birkewolle - transparent and sustainable textile value chain (Aalto University, Luke, VTT and SYKE)
  • VIS - Sustainable Urban Food Production Platform (Aalto University and Luke)
  • Kitchen Manager - zero food waste (Aalto University and Luke)
  • EcoMeter for Microplastics (Luke and Aalto University in collaboration with EcoMeter Team)

16.15−16.45 Comments, questions, connections and discussion!

16.45 Closing the event - talk more with you soon!


Please register by Monday November 23th :
A participation link will be sent to all registered participants before the event.

Further information: Jonne Hirvonen,
