- VTT’s new, patented method enables capturing low-concentration gaseous samples.
- Catch, concentrate and release method enables simple, portable, close to real-time gas analysis, reducing costs and increasing accuracy.
- CCR method is perfect for capturing gaseous releases for example from industrial processes or power plant stack for monitoring and analysis purposes.
- Technology is developed, patented and owned by VTT. CCR method can be licensed and integrated as part of the product or process of customer.
Why low-concentration gaseous compounds matter
Low-concentration gaseous compounds are present in varying amounts in many industrial environments. These compounds (such as radionuclides) can significantly impact the environment and human health.
It’s vital to measure emissions accurately, both in terms of human safety and to ensure that stringent regulations continue to be met, especially as regulations may tighten even further in the future. Gaseous compounds can also harm an end product, reducing production efficiency and creating excess waste. Accurate capture and analysis make gaseous compounds’ effect on the environment visible. Analysis helps identify possible emission reductions and enhances environmental performance.
Why gaseous emissions are difficult to measure
By their very nature, low-concentration gaseous compounds exist in small amounts, often at parts per billion, making detection and analysis challenging. Some compounds may be diffused across a wide area, while others may be highly reactive, leading to further challenges in capturing samples and analysis. Compounds may have brief lifespans before dissipating, posing another capturing difficulty.
Also, the space in which gaseous compounds are released plays a role in the difficulty of capturing and analysis. Outdoor environments have variables such as wind speed and differing temperatures, while building materials and ventilation may affect gaseous compounds in indoor spaces.
How CCR method makes measuring low-concentration gaseous compounds easy
Catch, concentrate and release is VTT’s patented method for capturing low-concentration gaseous compounds. It makes sampling and analysing gaseous compounds simple, accurate and fast.
- CATCH: Sampling of low-concentration gaseous compounds in the gas phase.
- CONCENTRATE: Gaseous samples are concentrated to the correct level of your analysis method capability. Unlike other methods, there’s no risk of dilution.
- RELEASE: Samples are released for further analysis to your gas analyser of choice.
CCR’s selective extraction method overcomes the obstacles facing the capturing and accurate analysis of low-concentration gaseous compound samples.
The method uses temperature control to freeze the gaseous compound samples. Sample releases are based on their melting point. Precise temperature control across a wide range of temperatures enhances analysis accuracy.
CCR method is customisable, cost-efficient, and increases measurement accuracy
Catch, concentrate and release brings both immediate and long-term advantages. Its handy, easy-to-use design is portable and compact. There are no moving parts, keeping maintenance costs low. And the unique separation method – gaseous species are isolated based on their vapour pressure or boiling point – is completely chemical-free.
Adding CCR method to the monitoring mix improves cost efficiency and accuracy. It is customisable to your required needs. And the method’s fast batchwise sampling combined with online analysis streamlines the process, saving costs and complications. It also increases the areas of application as a lower grade gas analyzer can be used in monitoring hard to catch samples.
CCR method cuts seven days’ work down to just seven minutes
One of the most attention-grabbing benefits of CCR method is its ability to provide data points: 2–3 every hour for low-concentration gaseous compounds in trace amounts. It’s been estimated that each data point saves the time equivalent of seven workdays*. With every data point comes a likely increase in sample analysis accuracy. Analysis results are delivered speedily, also adding to the time-saving benefits.
*VTT CCR method has been tested in a real environment at nuclear power plant and compared with the conventional liquid scintillation method currently used for carbon-14 analysis at NPPs (1 data point per week)
Continuous monitoring of emissions: a perfect application for CCR method
Regulations across the globe require the constant monitoring of gaseous releases from industrial processes into the environment. To protect the environment and the public, these regulations will likely tighten even further. To overcome these challenges, CCR method can rapidly enhance the monitoring and analysis of gaseous compounds in various industrial processes. And it’s easily integrated into your existing systems.
CCR method is patented and ready to scale
The method is ready for various monitoring and analysis applications, from nuclear power plants to factories. The patented method is scalable. If you want to increase the accuracy of your gaseous emissions sampling or would like to hear more about how this method can cut sampling times from days into minutes, contact us. If you’re a monitoring equipment manufacturer, we’re happy to help you adopt CCR method into your product range.