VTT and the University of Eastern Finland are starting a unique collaboration in doctoral education. The pilot of seven research institutes and the University of Eastern Finland includes 28 open doctoral researcher positions. VTT is participating in the cooperation experiment with six doctoral researcher positions. The call for applications ends on 14 August, 2023.
The unique cooperation experiment between state research institutes and the University of Eastern Finland builds a new approach to national doctoral education. The first call for applications to the four-year doctoral student positions, shared by research institutes and UEF, opened today on 14th June.
The centralised call for applications to the doctoral researcher positions will end on 14 August. The applicants must be eligible for doctoral education in accordance with the admissions criteria of the doctoral programmes. Persons employed by the research institutes and UEF's doctoral students may also apply for the posts. The first doctoral researchers of the pilot are to start in their duties in November 2023; in some posts, in January 2024.
The state research institutes participating in the experiment are the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE), the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, the Finnish Meteorological Institute, the Finnish Institute for Occupational Health (TTL) and the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK).
In the experiment, UEF and the research institutes seek for doctoral researchers to their shared doctoral student positions. Full-time work on a doctoral dissertation and related supervision takes place at UEF, whilst the research institute enhances the researchers' research skills in addition to their doctoral dissertation. The Doctoral Researcher will sign an employment contract with both parties.