What is important to VTT in sustainability?

News, Company news

We are in the process of developing our corporate sustainability work, and how it gets communicated. In order to do this well, we want to hear the views of our stakeholders.

Please take a few moments to help us by filling out our sustainability-related online survey.

Ideally, we would like to receive your answers as soon as possible, but by 14.2.2020 at the latest. It only takes 5–10 minutes to fill out the survey. Your answers will be treated confidentially, and your identity will not be linked to your answers at any point.

You can find the survey here: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/C79217925A00FFE2

Sustainability is incorporated into our efforts towards facing global challenges. It is an essential part of VTT's daily work and leadership. Thank you for being with us in our quest for new, even more sustainable solutions!


Leena Rantasalo
Leena Rantasalo
Head of Communication