Finland does not have comprehensive legislation for odour assessment in environmental permit processes and monitoring, which has led to different practices among authorities. The HAJUTARVE project examined the challenges and development needs related to odour.
The project organized an expert workshop and a needs assessment survey, based on which recommendations were presented for the unification and development of Finnish odour legislation and practices. The most significant development needs relate to the needs for guidelines and information transfer.
Guidelines are needed in particular for determining binding guideline values, such as what types of odours are considered annoying or how often an annoying odour should occur. Finland also needs to create practical guidelines on how to interpret odour results and how odours should be taken into account when planning and operating industrial operations. Based on the survey, regular training related to odours is also needed in Finland.
The project was implemented as a joint research project between the Ministry of the Environment, VTT and the Finnish Meteorological Institute. The Finnish Meteorological Institute supported VTT in preparing the needs assessment questionnaire and interpreting its results, focusing in particular on issues related to odour emission modelling and legislation.
Various industrial sectors, waste management, farms, restaurants, traffic, household wood burning and normal natural phenomena can cause odours that can impair health and quality of life. Odours have a particularly local effect, but long-term exposure can cause health problems. In addition to emissions, the occurrence of odours is also affected by weather conditions and the environment in which the odour emissions are spread.
For further information:
Tuula Kajolinna, Project Manager, VTT, tel. 040 562 4379, [email protected]
Jenni Latikka, Finnish Meteorological Institute, tel. 050 453 2163, [email protected]
Paula Vehmaanperä, Ministry of the Environment, tel. 029 525 0198, [email protected]
Download here the whole report: HAJUTARVE - Investigating the challenges and development needs related to odor nuisances