Tackling the material challenges in hydrogen economy
How to ensure safety and avoid costly material failures in hydrogen based industrial processes? Utilizing hydrogen requires a deep understanding of materials and their performance. In this webinar we will discuss about the hydrogen related material challenges and how to make the right choices in hydrogen economy.
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About the webinar
Existing and new industrial processes can be transformed to operate with hydrogen but safety aspect needs to be considered in a new way. Hydrogen gas is a highly flammable material and using it as a feed stock or as an energy vector is a challenge that needs to be tackled carefully.
In addition to safety, it is crucial to consider how changes in processes may affect the durability, reliability and maintainability of infrastructure, machinery, and equipment. All of this requires a profound understanding of materials and their performance.
Watch the webinar to hear VTT scientists' insights about hydrogen related material challenges and how VTT ProperScan can help you make right choices and avoid material failures resulting in costly down-time.

- Water Electrolysis for Green H2 Production – Technical Challenges, Materials and Research Activities at VTT -- Ville Saarinen, Senior Scientist, D.Sc. (Tech.)
- Integrity of pressure vessels and pipes for H2 transportation and storage -- Sebastian Lindqvist, Senior Scientist, D.Sc. (Tech.)
- Material challenges related to the use of hydrogen and ammonia as fuel -- Elina Huttunen-Saarivirta, Research Professor, D.Sc. (Materials Science)
- Q&A
Is this webinar for me?
This webinar is useful for all companies who
- are planning steps to transform existing operations towards hydrogen economy
- design components for new hydrogen based industrial solutions
- need to rethink maintenance plan to accommodate for new unknown factors
- want to avoid costly surprises
We believe that you will get valuable information from this webinar, especially if you work in the process or energy sector.
This webinar is aimed at people who are responsible for business, products, operations and/or innovations.

D.Sc. (Tech.) Ville Saarinen has worked with low and high temperature fuel cells and electrolysis (PEMFC, DMFC, MFC, SOFC/SOEC) since 2003 and he is currently responsible of VTT's development of reversible high temperature solid oxide (rSOC) system for green hydrogen production.
He has also been one of the VTT's authors (main contribution hydrogen production and value chains) when writing ”National Hydrogen Roadmap for Finland” in 2020.

Team: fatigue and fracture. Doctor of Science in fracture mechanics - Fracture toughness, crack path and strength mismatch of Alloy 52 dissimilar metal weld.
During his career, he has focused on solving fracture mechanical problems related to metallic pressure components. He is specialized in the assessment of fracture toughness in the ductile and brittle regime. He has written several publications on the effect of operation conditions on the fracture toughness properties of the materials. Future ambition: Improving the fracture toughness assessment methods to better predict component behavior in operation conditions. He is also a member of ASTM E08- fatigue and fracture, and collaborator in several international communities (ASME, ESIS).

Research professor Elina Huttunen-Saarivirta has 25 years of research experience of the aging and failure of materials, particularly related to the interactions between materials and their operation environments.
Elina received her Dr.Tech. degree in Materials Engineering from Tampere University of Technology in 2001. Before joining VTT in 2014, she worked at Tampere University of Technology, as an Academy Research Fellow by the Academy of Finland, and at the University of Manchester. Elina is the coordinator of Business Finland funded MASCOT ecosystem (2022-2025), and Academy of Finland funded projects GoverMat and HERBIE.

Pekka Pohjanne, MSc. (Tech.), currently Lead – Materials for new energy technologies at VTT.
He has over 30 years of experience related to materials development, performance, and life assessment of components for process industries, power production and offshore applications. During his career, he has been principal investigator and project manager in a many national and EU projects and has authored and co-authored more than 100 journal articles, conference papers and reports. He is also active in European networks like Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative (EM