Secured connectivity solutions
Our digital society demands continuous development of telecommunications technology. And with increasing digitalisation, the need for secure and resilient connectivity grows. At VTT, we develop RF front-end devices as well as terrestrial and space-based network solutions to increase data bandwidth. To ensure secure communications, we focus on next-generation cyber security solutions for devices and networks. In addition, we investigate new paradigms like post-quantum cryptography and quantum key distribution.
At VTT, we have over 80 years of experience in RF development. We run Millilab – the ESA external laboratory for millimetre-wave technologies. What is more, we have extensive RF characterisation facilities and anechoic chambers for over-the-air testing. For space communication development, we also have an on-site ground station.
Our facilities enable the performance and cybersecurity testing of network devices, network management solutions, air interfaces and network supported services. For defence-related characterisations, we host a separate war room.
We also have a testbed for the development of quantum key distribution (QKD) solutions.
Video: Keeping people and societies safe with novel sensing solutions
Our key infrastructure:
- 5G and 6G test network environment
- Separate war room
- MilliLab, an ESA external laboratory for mmWave tests and characterisation of up to ~300 GHz
- National quantum communication test infrastructure
- RF characterisation facilities
- Anechoic chambers
We provide:
- Research and development services from innovation to design, fabrication and characterisation
- Testbed characterisation services
- Cyber security testing and solution development
- Data Link Lab as a Service (DLLaaS) – Data link research facility to support R&D&I work on data links, critical communication and critical infrastructure industry.
- Cyber security sector
- Space sector
- Defence and security sector
- Public safety sector
- Telecom manufacturers
- Semiconductor component suppliers