European Metrology Networks for sustainable future of Europe

Project news

The European association of national metrology institutes (EURAMET) has been setting up European Metrology Networks (EMN) to create sustainable metrology structures in areas of strategic importance for the future of Europe, such as energy generation and distribution. EMNs link thematically national metrology institutes with industry, associations and other stakeholders. This drives metrology developments to focus on most essential challenges and to create more efficient metrology services.

EMNs are for enhancing European collaboration

It is essential for sustainable development of industry and society that metrology services are evolving hand by hand with the technology development in industry. In particular, advancements for recycling of materials, green and secured energy generation and distribution, and efficiency in manufacturing and health care need to be underpinned by metrology innovations and new services. Challenges are large and no single metrology institute can create solutions by itself but wide collaboration between metrology institutes and stakeholders are needed. Collaboration is also needed to influence decision making and legislation and to contribute standardization to ensure metrologically sound regulative framework for industry and trade. Each EMN will establish close links to a wider stakeholder community and strive for scientific excellence in its field. This collaboration results in strategic plans for metrology developments needed in the field and initiates ambitious collaborative research projects. Using key contacts to EU organizations and standardization bodies, EMNs will enhance exploiting metrology research results in standardization and EU regulative work.

Finland is actively contributing to EMNs

At the moment there are eleven EMNs running shown in Table below. As shown in the table, VTT MIKES and Finnish metrology designated institutes are actively contributing to several EMNs as members.

EMNs running

Most EMNs are addressing global societal challenges related to manufacturing, energy production and distribution, climate change, safety and health. EMNs on quantum technologies and mathematics & statistics are focusing on scientific challenges related quantum technologies, digitalization and dynamic measurements. EMN Smart Specialisation in Northern Europe addresses challenges specific to Nordic and Baltic region.

EMN Smart North

A short name for ‘Smart Specialisation in Northern Europe’ is ‘Smart North’. In this EMN, VTT MIKES is leading the work for setting up a strategy for the development of top metrology services and competences in Nordic and Baltic countries. The strategy brought up in consultation with stakeholders in industry, service providers and governments will guide the development of metrology services in national metrology institutes in the region and improve the services for customers. The objective is to ensure sustainable development of top-level metrology services as needed in the member countries. Until now three top priority themes have been identified and roadmapping is on-going for these themes. Also, consultations with major industrial stakeholders are running.

Martti Heinonen
Martti Heinonen