Food solutions

Research expertise

The future of food is reimagined today: Novel plant proteins, vertical farms and cell factories, efficient production methods that save raw materials and help feed growing populations sustainably. VTT is your innovation partner in creating the breakthrough solutions of the new Food economy 4.0.

​We believe that in 2050 the way we grow, produce and consume food will be radically different. In the new Food Economy 4.0 food will be produced also without fields or animal farms. Personalized food products will be manufactured locally. Plant-based raw materials will be used mostly for food, not animal feed. Food production will support the circular economy of nutrients, energy and water.

Our cell factories lead the way towards ethical and delicious food ingredients that no longer depend on animals or fields.

VTT is your research and innovation partner in creating new, sustainable food solutions. We are reshaping the use of raw materials: changing production processes so raw materials can be used fully and efficiently as food. We are transforming raw materials previously used as animal feed into human food and are developing new valuable and healthy ingredients, for instance fibre and plant protein. We use microbes to produce food with nouveau methods. Our cell factories lead the way towards ethical and delicious food ingredients that no longer depend on animals or fields for their production. 

Do you want to create the new Food Economy 4.0 with us? Explore our services below or contact us directly for a tailored partnership. 
