Act now to stand out with sustainable packaging

Blog post
Jaakko Kuusisaari,
Jouni Lattu

Upcoming regulation on sustainable packaging will have far-reaching implications for businesses. VTT can give you a competitive edge by helping to find and develop sustainable alternatives to replace non-compliant solutions.

The landscape of packaging regulation is dynamic and varies significantly across regions globally. The EU has been a forerunner in looking for ways to tackle the growing challenge of plastic waste. For example, under the EU plastics strategy and the SUP directive, single-use plastics will be phased out and all plastic packaging should be recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2030. Today, practically all such plastic packaging is fossil-based.

Most significant is the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) legislative framework, concerning which the EU reached a political agreement in the spring of 2024. The PPWR aims to set unified targets for packaging waste reduction across all EU member states, including harmonising the principles of recycling, minimising the size of packaging, and setting a minimum amount of recycled content in plastic packaging. 

So, what does all this mean for your packaging business? Making sense of the impacts of various – sometimes even conflicting – regulatory changes to your operations may be challenging, but the good news is that there is still time to not simply comply with the new requirements but also rise above the competition.  

What to do with your fossil-based plastics?

As with all R&D work, there is no quick fix for finding sustainable alternatives to fossil-based plastic packaging. For example, in the food and beverage sector, which covers around 40% of the entire packaging market, requirements for the performance and qualities of materials are especially strict. Developing something like a bio-based barrier solution to replace plastic in liquid packaging is a complex process that can take even a decade from innovation through piloting to consumer application.

In addition, according to the PPWR, bio-based recyclable fibre packaging will undergo a sustainability analysis. In other words, it is not enough that the raw material is biobased, but also the process must be sustainable. 

Plastic film production

Outsourcing piloting makes sense

Developing new packaging materials is a time-consuming and costly task, often requiring investments of even tens of millions of euros. One significant challenge is navigating the “valley of death,” where substantial investments are needed for development and piloting infrastructure from the outset, despite the high uncertainty of the final outcome. Additionally, time-to-market is a critical factor, as delays can impact competitiveness. The piloting infrastructure is often required only during the development phase, meaning you are investing in something that might only be used temporarily. Outsourcing piloting to someone who has already invested in the necessary infrastructure and possesses the expertise can be a strategic move, ensuring a more efficient and knowledgeable approach to overcoming these challenges.

Piloting your innovation at VTT’s facility helps to significantly cut down time-to-market. Our hands-on approach accelerates your journey from concept to market, ensuring your investments yield not just for profit, but also for environmental progress. As specialists in sustainable industrial applications and scientific research, particularly in biomass-based solutions and packaging recycling, we are happy to co-innovate new applications with you. We have the expertise in handling the entire piloting chain, from material development to production upscaling where necessary.

Is it time to scale up your novel packaging concept? Rather than investing in your own pilot-phase capabilities and resources, contact VTT. We can provide the expertise and hardware needed for your journey. 

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Jaakko Kuusisaari
Jaakko Kuusisaari
Solution Sales Lead, Biomaterial Processing and Products
Jouni Lattu
Jouni Lattu
Customer Account Lead
Our vision beyond 2030

Whether it is the textile industry, construction, or energy storage, entire industrial energy efficient value chain can utilise renewable and re-usable materials profitably, with the help of science.