VTT wants to play its part in ensuring that there will be sufficient energy for everyone in the coming winter.
The temperature in VTT’s office facilities will be set to 20.5 degrees. Until now, the temperature range has been between 20 and 23 degrees. The change will enter into force in November, at slightly different times in different facilities.
‘VTT does not own the properties itself, so we agree on the energy saving measures together with the lessors,’ says Facilities Manager Taru Haimala.
VTT operates in approximately 20 properties in six localities around Finland. ‘We have a variety of different types of facilities for experimental activities, such as laboratories and research halls, and we operate according to the special conditions they require,’ Haimala adds.
The control of lighting and the running times of ventilation units will also be checked together with the property owners. ‘Of course, health and safety, the needs of research activities and the relationship between benefits and risks will be taken into account in the decision-making’, Taru Haimala emphasises.
In Otaniemi, Espoo, VTT can already utilise the electricity produced by solar panels in three properties. ‘For a couple of years now, the solar panel project carried out by one of our lessors, Senate Properties, has been generating enough electricity to cover between 2.5% and 3.7% of the total electricity consumed in the buildings of MIKES and the Centre for Nuclear Safety,’ Haimala says. The solar panels acquired in the LivingLab project, on the other hand, produce approximately 4.5% of the electricity consumed in the VTT FutureHub building. In addition, there are plans to acquire solar panels for the office in Jyväskylä. In Oulu, VTT has had research projects related to solar panels for over 10 years already.
Towards carbon neutrality in 2030
In the coming winter, we must prepare for both planned and unpredictable power cuts. At VTT, the continuity of operations is ensured from this perspective by a working group led by Head of Security Tero Reponen. ‘The aim is to find out how we can get enough electricity and minimise the risks,’ Reponen says. ‘The business areas will define which processes are susceptible to power cuts. The impact assessment of the findings will reveal possibilities for saving energy, as well as opportunities for targeting consumption appropriately,’ he continues.
VTT’s goal is to be carbon neutral by 2030. A review of our energy consumption and energy sources is therefore an important part of ensuring that our actions comply with our sustainability principles in any case, regardless of the situation with the availability of energy.
Further information:
Taru Haimala
Manager, Facilities
taru.haimala (at) vtt.fi
Tero Reponen
Head of Security
tero.reponen (at) vtt.fi