The appointment recognizes VTT’s competences in integrating multidisciplinary research for innovations that benefit the space, defence and aeronautics sectors. The expert group was established by the Directorate General for Defence, Industry and Space (DG DEFIS) of the European Commission to strengthen European competitiveness and resilience.
The expert group will provide advice and expertise to DG DEFIS in the preparation and implementation of policies relevant to the European space, defence and aeronautics industry, in particular as regards the mapping of strategic industrial value chains and identification of critical technologies and supply chain vulnerabilities. The expert group will also facilitate European cooperation on questions relating to the implementation of the EU legislation, programmes and policies relevant to the space, defence and aeronautics industry. Furthermore, the group aims to stimulate an exchange of experience and good practice, including synergies between the sectors.
“I consider it a privilege that VTT was chosen as a member of this expert group. VTT is one of Europe’s leading research and technology organisations and an active member of the many defence and civilian networks nationally and in Europe. We also have a long history and wide experience of collaborating with the Finnish Defence Forces. We are looking forward to contribute our experience and our broad expertise in the field of space, defence and aeronautics technologies to the benefit of European citizens", says Sauli Eloranta, Vice President, Safe and connected society.
The group consists of 60 organisations and the first meeting of the members was held on 10 September 2021. The duration of membership is 5 years. In addition to VTT, Patria was selected to the expert group as another Finnish member.